(Ps.)-Athanasius, Expositiones in Psalmos - Leading Catena Manuscripts

Links to leading catena manuscripts

Catena type XIX
Vat. gr. 754 (V1)TranscriptionTEI-Source on Github
Paris. Coislin 10 (C)TranscriptionTEI-Source on Github
Paris. gr. 166-167 (P1)TranscriptionTEI-Source on Github
Genua, Urbani 3 (G)TranscriptionTEI-Source on Github
Catena type I
Oxon. Bodl. Auct. D. 4. 1 (B1)TranscriptionTEI-Source on Github
Codices varii
Oxon. Coll. S. Trin. 78 (B2)TranscriptionTEI-Source on Github
Par. gr. 164 (P3)TranscriptionTEI-Source on Github
Mediolan. Ambros. M 47 sup. (A1)TranscriptionTEI-Source on Github
Paris. Coislin 12 (P5)TranscriptionTEI-Source on Github
Paris. Coislin 187 (P2)TranscriptionTEI-Source on Github
Flor. Med. Laurent. Plut. 5. 30 (L1)TranscriptionTEI-Source on Github
Catena type III
Paris. gr. 139 (P6)TranscriptionTEI-Source on Github
Catena type IV
Mosq. Sinod. 194 (M)TranscriptionTEI-Source on Github
Catena type XIV
Mediolan. Ambros. B 106 sup. (A2)TranscriptionTEI-Source on Github
Catena type XV
Vat. gr. 1422 (V5)TranscriptionTEI-Source on Github
Catena type XVI
Flor. Med. Laurent. Plut. 6. 3 (L2)TranscriptionTEI-Source on Github

Oriental Traditions

Coptic version
BL Or. 6954(9) and Vat. Borg. Copt. 109TranscriptionTEI-Source on Github
Syriac version
BL Add. 12168 (abbreviated version)TranscriptionTEI-Source on Github
BL Add. 14568 (longer version)TranscriptionTEI-Source on Github

Complete list of catena manuscripts used for the reconstruction of the Expositiones in Psalmos (scholia) of (Ps.)-Athanasius

Only Ps 1–50 are considered in this project (started 1.7.2020).

Vat. gr. 754 (an unconventional marginal catena) and Coislin 10 (a full-page catena) offer the most extensive collection of Expositiones. These manuscripts belong to the fundamental catena type for the Expositiones, namely type XIX (CPG C32). It is Vat. gr. 754 that best reproduces the original state of this catena type (Urkatene). For this reason, precisely this manuscript was chosen in order to test the method of reproducing a manuscript in full digital transcription (up to Ps 10). Ps 1–6 are available in a diplomatic, normalized, and simplified version, Ps 7–10 in a normalized and simplified one.

In addition to Coislin 10, two other representatives of type XIX are considered: Par. gr. 166–167 (full-page catena) and Urbani 3 (marginal catena). These three manuscripts can correct defects in Vat. gr. 754 such as textual corruptions and occasional omissions of author attributions. They are also indispensable for the reconstruction of the Urkatene (especially Urbani 3). The Expositiones and the unpublished fragments they contain are transcribed. The remaining fragments are listed in the form of references to the published sources to which they belong (lists of contents).

Bodl. Auct. D. 4. 1 (catena type I) and eight codices varii (CPG C40) offer more or less extensive selections of the Expositiones. These are full-page catenae, each with compositional characteristics of their own. They can also offer potential new Expositiones or larger versions of them as well other unpublished excerpts. Therefore, most of them are mapped in order to make comparisons with other catena manuscripts (by means of the above-mentioned lists of contents). Within these lists the Expositiones and the new materials are transcribed.

A major challenge is posed by the large marginal catenae, given the enormous amount of materials they contain (types III, IV, XV, and XVI; type XIV is manageable). The strategy adopted by the project is to choose a leading manuscript for each of these types. This selection is justified by the fact that other manuscripts belonging to a same type are very similar to their leading manuscript, both in terms of contents and text quality. Thus, while the Expositiones from the leading manuscripts are transcribed into digital form, those in the twin manuscripts are collated according to the classical method. Variants obtained in this way are directly implemented into the digital edition of the Expositiones. At least for now, no content list is offered for the leading manuscripts in this group.

Catena type XIX = CPG C32
ManuscriptFoliosPsalmsFolios (Ps 1–50)Transcription (Ps 1–50)
Vat. gr. 7543951–15137r–138rfull extent (Ps 1–10); Exp. in Ps. + inedita + content list (Ps 20–50)
Paris. Coislin 103557,14b–118,1651r–120vExp. in Ps. + inedita + content list
Paris. gr. 166–167217 + 2671–68,35; 68,36–144,71r–161vExp. in Ps. + inedita + content list
Genua, Urbani 33092,1b–1515r–101rExp. in Ps. + inedita + content list
Catena type I = CPG C14
ManuscriptFoliosPsalmsFolios (Ps 1–50)Transcription (Ps 1–50)
Oxon. Bodl. Auct. D. 4.13181–15039r–127vExp. in Ps. + inedita + content list
Codices varii (olim type XXVII) = CPG C40
ManuscriptFoliosPsalmsFolios (Ps 1–50)Transcription (Ps 1–50)
Paris. Coislin. 18719317,36d–1501r–49vExp. in Ps. + inedita + content list
Oxon. Coll. S. Trin. 782761–1515r–101rExp. in Ps. + inedita + content list
Athen. B.N. 82451–1502r–73vcollation of Exp. in Ps.
Paris. gr. 1641991–1517r–63vExp. in Ps. + inedita + content list
Paris. gr. 16523832,8–148,5a1r–37rExp. in Ps. + inedita + content list
Mediolan. Ambros. M 47 sup.3071–1504r–107rExp. in Ps. + inedita + content list
Paris. Coislin 123277,9–72,10b10r–282rExp. in Ps.
Flor. Med. Laurent. Plut. 5.302921–15014r–116vExp. in Ps. + inedita + content list
Catena type III = CPG C16
ManuscriptFoliosPsalmsFolios (Ps 1–50)Transcription (Ps 1–50)
Paris. gr. 1394491–1518r–141rExp. in Ps.
Venet. Marc. gr. 174301–1501r–140vcollation of Exp. in Ps.
Athen. B.N. 453681,2b–40,41r–368vcollation of Exp. in Ps.
Catena type IV = CPG C17
ManuscriptFoliosPsalmsFolios (Ps 1–50)Transcription (Ps 1–50)
Mosq. Sinod. 1942731–1508r–97vExp. in Ps.
Vat. Ottob. gr. 3983291–15139r–136vcollation of Exp. in Ps.
Catena type XIV = CPG IV C27
ManuscriptFoliosPsalmsFolios (Ps 1–50)Transcription (Ps 1–50)
Mediolan. Ambros. B 106 sup.2551–15024r–92vExp. in Ps.
Vat. gr. 17472881–1501r–78vcollation of Exp. in Ps.
Catena type XV = CPG IV C28
ManuscriptFoliosPsalmsFolios (Ps 1–50)Transcription (Ps 1–50)
Vat. gr. 14222591–15025r–100vfull extent (Ps 1–2) + Exp. in Ps. (Ps 3–50)
Paris. gr. 1462591–15025r–100vcollation of Exp. in Ps.
Paris. Suppl. gr. 115715334,28–54,19; 60,6–70,23; 83,12–1501r–27vcollation of Exp. in Ps.
Catena type XVI = CPG IV C29
ManuscriptFoliosPsalmsFolios (Ps 1–50)Transcription (Ps 1–50)
Florent. Med. Laurent. Plut. 6. 32631–15040r–107rExp. in Ps.
Mediolan. Ambros. C. 98 sup.3231–1501r–103vcollation of Exp. in Ps.

About the digital transcriptions


The goal is a transcription of all the Expositiones in Psalmos (Ps 1–50) from their leading catena manuscripts which will be presented online. Each leading manuscript has a file of its own. For a selected number of manuscripts, these files contain also an overview of all the other fragments (content list). The psalm portion (lemma) to which each fragment refers in the manuscript and the presence (or absence) of an author attribution are documented. If one fragment is linked to a precise word of the psalm by means of a linking sign or letter, this word is also documented.

In catena manuscripts, lemmata and explanations are connected in different ways. The simplest way is to make the explanation follow the lemma (full-page catena). The marginal catena format can only function through the use of linking systems by means of counting letters or signs. These systems are sometimes very sofisticated. Sometimes these connections are faulty, especially in marginal catenae. The scribe may omit to create a linking or create a wrong one or fail to complete the linking by neglecting to place the connecting symbol either at the explanation or the biblical text. These phenomena are reported as far as possible.


The macrostructure records the genres of the texts and their position in a manuscript.

  • At the beginning of a psalm:
    A short invocation, e.g. "Alleluja", which is usually written in the top margin of a manuscript as a heading.
    A summary of the contents of a psalm, a short introduction or a note concerning the setting of a psalm. Various patristic authors wrote such hypotheseis in their commentaries on the Psalms: Eusebius of Caesarea, (Ps.)-Athanasius, Hesychius of Jerusalem, etc.
    A short sketch of the contents of a psalm. This genre goes back to Eusebius of Caesarea and his commentary.
  • The bibletext:
    The psalmtext
    For the numbering we follow the edition of the Septuagint of Rahlfs. The tituli are counted as verse 1.
    Hexaplaric variants
    Some manuscripts contain hexaplaric variants in the margins and distinguish between Aquila, Symmachus, Theodotion, Quinta, and Sexta.
    A word is explained or clarified by synonyms.
  • The commentary:
    The commentaryfragments are – if possible – classified as quotation, adapted or abbreviated quotation, paraphrase or abbreviated paraphrase. The quotation category means that a fragment attested in a catena manuscript matches an edition not based on this particular catena.
    Quotations are graphically marked in the transcription and the source is noted.
  • Abbreviations with expansion:
    1. Nomina sacra
      χυ (Χριστοῦ)Χριστοῦ
      θς (θεός)θεός
    2. Suspension
    3. Tachygraphy
  • Accent, spiritus, errors (itazism, vocalquantity): Corrections according to the grammatical norm are only made when the manuscript is not consistent in itself.
    σφὰς (σφᾶς)σφᾶς
    Ὡριγένους (Ὠριγένους)Ὠριγένους
    ηὐδόκισας (ηὐδόκησας)ηὐδόκησας
    στρομνήν (στρωμνήν)στρωμνήν
  • Coronis, particle (encliticon / procliticon), contracted words, numbers: Regularization according to the grammatical norm or according to the predominant habit of the manuscript.
    ἠ (ἢ)
    παρέλλησι (παρ᾿ ἕλλησι)παρ᾿ ἕλλησι
    καθημῶν (καθ’ ἡμῶν)καθ’ ἡμῶν
  • Punctuation: For the transcription of the punctuation mainly four different signs are used: Mese (point in the middle), Hypostygme (point on the bottom line), Teleia (point above) and bullet for emphasized endpoints.
  • Iota subscriptum / Iota adscriptum:
    τῶ νόμω (τῷ νόμῷ)τῷ νόμῷ
    τῶι νόμωι (τῷ νόμῳ)τῷ νόμῳ
  • Textcritics:
    1. Ambivalent signs
    2. Not readable signs
    3. Restored signs (by context, parallel tradition or edition)
    4. Uncertain restored signs
      [κατὰ (?)][κατὰ (?)]
    5. Space left empty by the scribe (fenestra)
      [4 character(s) left intentionally blank]
    6. Deleted but legible signs
    7. Deleted, not legible signs
    8. Signs added by ancient hand
    9. Signs corrected by ancient hand, original not legible
    10. Signs corrected by the scribe
      κατὰ [* καθ᾿ S κατὰ]κατὰ
    11. Signs corrected by a corrector
      κατὰ [* καθ᾿ C1 κατὰ]κατὰ
    12. Signs corrected by an unidentified corrector
      κατὰ [* καθ᾿ corr κατὰ]κατὰ
    13. Signs added by ancient hand
      《κατὰ》 (add. C1)κατὰ
    14. Signs added by the editor
    15. Signs deleted by the editor
    16. Lacuna
      [4 character(s) missing][4 character(s) missing]
      [1 line(s) missing][1 line(s) missing]
      [1 page(s) missing][1 page(s) missing]
    17. Textcorruption
      κατὰ (sic)κατὰ (sic)